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Travel Risk Management

​Making sure your people are safe when they travel is becoming ever more complex. New generations of employee seek a far more immersive travel experience than perhaps the business travellers before them.


Genetix has a huge wealth of experience focused on making sure people stay safe while travelling on business.

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Travel Threat & Risk Assessment

It's important that travel is correctly risk assessed. For far too long travellers have looked at a 'risk score' for their destination and may not have taken into account their role, the task and who they are in the context of their destination. We have risk assessed and kept thousands of corporate travellers safe over the years. But we've also made travel more efficient and allowed people to make the most of the experience. Let's have a conversation about how we can do that for your organisation.

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Policy Development

Policies state your organisation’s intent.  They describe how the job’s going to be done and they form the cornerstone of the business success. At Genetix we help organisations create informed security policies that reflect the culture and help them reach their goals and achieve their objectives.

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Travel Programme Development & Control Design

Whether it’s a strategy, a full travel safety programme, or just a single process or procedure that you need some help with, Genetix has the experience, expertise and vision to help you get your people where they need to be, and safely back again.

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